Coming in 2025! A Procedure of Thinking: The Work of Mabel Elsworth Todd


By Pamela Matt

A Procedure of Thinking: The Work of Mabel Elsworth Todd by Pamela Matt traces the origins, history, theory, and implications of Mabel Todd’s revolutionary educational system.  Todd developed her approach in the early 20th century.  Through  the efforts of her protégés and their students, Todd’s influence expanded and continues to be recognized as seminal by leaders in the field of somatic movement education, today.

General Description

The format of A Procedure of Thinking: The Work of Mabel Elsworth Todd reflects the organization the author designed for students enrolled in courses presented by the Thinking Body Institute’s online education program.  The text begins with a presentation of influences from the fields of education, science, and human health that provided context for the creation of Todd’s approach. Barbara Clark (one of Todd’s best-known students) provided the framework for the history of Todd’s work and her perspectives were confirmed by the author’s study of primary research materials now housed in the Thinking Body Institute Archive.  The author’s experience as a teacher of dance kinesiology shaped the discussion of Todd’s theory. The text concludes with a discussion of implications for the future development of Todd’s work in the 21st century.

About the Author
The substance of Pamela Matt’s understanding of Todd’s educational method is based on her learning experiences with Barbara Clark, followed by nearly fifty years of experience teaching Clark’s “mind-body integration” to students of the performing arts. Between 1980 and 2005, she served on the faculty of the Department of Dance at Arizona State University. Currently, she directs the web-based Thinking Body Institute which aims to preserve historical materials, promote global exchange, and advance educational excellence in the field.

Product Details to Come.  Planned for Release in 2025 by Thinking Body Institute Media LLC.

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